Sunday, October 08, 2006

Toyota Camry CBU 2007 launched in Malaysia

UMW Toyota Motor Sdn Bhd has finally launched it, the 4th generation Toyota Camry. It is a fully imported CBU model from Thailand. Toyota has decided to take advantage of AFTA rates and import Camrys from Thailand instead of assembling them here, as part of it’s production rationalisation plan for the ASEAN market.

There are three versions will be available for Toyota Camry– the low end Toyota Camry 2.0E priced at RM139,066, the Toyota Camry 2.0G at RM149,053 and the high end 2.4V going for RM168,303. This is a slight increase over the current prices where the 2.0E, and the 2.4V goes for RM134,700, and RM161,300 respectively. The 2.0G is a new addition to the Camry range, a higher spec version compared to the Camry 2.0E.

Inside the car

Outside the car

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